Getting a Gerbil
Gerbils are friendly, curious and quick little animals. They make a fascinating pet for both adults and children. The Mongolian Gerbil is the most common gerbil found in pet shops and is often available in a range of colours. Being that their natural habitat is the desert, gerbils have adapted to conserve water, and are therefore odourless. They are social animals and like to be kept in small, single sex groups or pairs.
- A Gerbilarium (a large fish tank with a secure mesh type lid) is the best way to house a gerbil.
- Alternative housing is a large hamster cage, although be wary of this as gerbils are adept at chewing and may chew their way out.
- Cages should be as large as possible.
- Provide cardboard tubes and a nest box in which your gerbil will feel secure.
- A sand bath added to the gerbilarium will allow your gerbil to bathe itself.

- Soft wood shavings for burrowing and digging.
- Provide a house or bedroom for your gerbil, where it can nest and feel warm and secure.
- Use soft paper or woolly bedding for nesting material.
- Clean the cage out completely once every week.
- Gerbils need a diet with a high content of protein which is low in fat and oils.
- At PAWS we recommend Amos Hamster and Gerbil Mix, which is available in our shop.
- Supplement your gerbil’s diet with small, occasional amounts of fruit and vegetables. Too much of this can give your gerbil an upset stomach.
- Provide clean, fresh drinking water daily from a gravity-fed bottle.
- At PAWS we stock a large variety of gerbil treats and chews. Come and visit us in the shop!
- Using your hands, gently scoop your gerbil from its cage
- Never lift your gerbil by its tail