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Wildlife Care

Helping wild Hedgehogs

Helping wild Hedgehogs

At PAWS, as well as helping you care for your domestic pet, we also want to help you look after the wildlife you might find in your back garden.

In Britain, we are extremely lucky to have so much wildlife around us and there are a number of ways we can help the animals that come into our gardens in their hunt for food. The type of garden you have will determine the type of wildlife it will attract. A garden with few plants, trees and grass will attract less wildlife than one with lots of hedges and flowering plants which provide food and shelter. Ponds will attract insects and amphibians, while compost heaps can be a great shelter for hedgehogs.


These prickly little creatures are nocturnal and can be found in gardens all over the country. A compost heap or pile of leaves makes a comfy hiding place for a hedgehog, especially between November and March when they hibernate, so be careful when clearing your garden during this period.



  • Slugs
  • Earthworms
  • Beetles

We stock Spikes Hedgehog food which is recommended by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society.

How to attract hedgehogs into your garden

Some people like to leave out milk and bread for hedgehogs, but this can make them ill. Provide a saucer of water and hedgehog food, as this is much more digestible for them. Avoid feeding hedgehogs with dog or cat food as only a few, specific types are suitable food for hedgehogs.


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Helping wild Birds

Helping wild Birds

At PAWS, as well as helping you care for your domestic pet, we also want to help you look after the wildlife you might find in your back garden.

In Britain, we are extremely lucky to have so much wildlife around us and there are a number of ways we can help the animals that come into our gardens in their hunt for food. The type of garden you have will determine the type of wildlife it will attract. A garden with few plants, trees and grass will attract less wildlife than one with lots of hedges and flowering plants which provide food and shelter. Ponds will attract insects and amphibians, while compost heaps can be a great shelter for hedgehogs.


There are 592 species of birds native to the British Isles, and gardens are an important habitat for some of these birds, not just for food and shelter, but also for rearing their families. The most likely visitors to your garden will be starlings, house sparrows, blackbirds, blue and great tits, robins, greenfinches and collared doves. It is great fun to spot the different varieties of birds that might visit, and to observe their fascinating behaviour and colours. There is plenty you can do to help encourage and attract them into your garden.



Feeding birds in the garden is a popular activity. You can attract birds by providing them with seed mixes, peanuts, suet blocks, insects, meal worms and fat balls. Avoid leaving out milk, mouldy food and biscuits for birds. Leaving out pet food such as cat or dog food can attract larger birds like Magpies and gulls. If this is likely to be a problem, it is best avoided.


How to feed

Bird tables are suitable for most species of bird, as is a tray with a raised rim that allows for water drainage and easy cleaning. Nut feeders, made with a steel mesh, are the only safe way of offering nuts to wild birds. The mesh size needs to be large enough to prevent beak damage and small enough to prevent large pieces of nut from being removed. Seed feeders – tube like transparent containers with holes through which the bird can access the food – are ideal for seed mixes, and great for attracting smaller birds.


 At PAWS we stock a wide variety of feed and feeders for every type of bird as well as nest boxes and bird tables. Visit our shops or online shop to see the type of products on offer.

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Helping wild Foxes

Helping wild Foxes

At PAWS, as well as helping you care for your domestic pet, we also want to help you look after the wildlife you might find in your back garden.

In Britain, we are extremely lucky to have so much wildlife around us and there are a number of ways we can help the animals that come into our gardens in their hunt for food. The type of garden you have will determine the type of wildlife it will attract. A garden with few plants, trees and grass will attract less wildlife than one with lots of hedges and flowering plants which provide food and shelter. Ponds will attract insects and amphibians, while compost heaps can be a great shelter for hedgehogs.

Foxes are common in both towns and countryside areas, and particularly enjoy foraging for food in rubbish bins, where they can find a wealth of tasty leftovers. Most foxes live in large groups in areas with suitable shelter and a good source of food.


  • small animals and birds
  • fruit
  • berries
  • worms


How to attract a fox into your garden

Leave out leftover kitchen scraps and meat in your garden to attract them.

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Helping wild Squirrels

Helping wild Squirrels

At PAWS, as well as helping you care for your domestic pet, we also want to help you look after the wildlife you might find in your back garden.

In Britain, we are extremely lucky to have so much wildlife around us and there are a number of ways we can help the animals that come into our gardens in their hunt for food. The type of garden you have will determine the type of wildlife it will attract. A garden with few plants, trees and grass will attract less wildlife than one with lots of hedges and flowering plants which provide food and shelter. Ponds will attract insects and amphibians, while compost heaps can be a great shelter for hedgehogs.

There are two types of squirrel that are native to great Britain. These animals do not hibernate during the winter months, instead they collect food during the year which they hoard in preparation for winter.

Grey Squirrel

Originally Native to North America, grey squirrels were first introduced to the UK in the 19th century. The species has spread rapidly and is now common across the UK, with the exception of some areas in Scotland. The grey squirrel is very active, bounding from tree to tree and scurrying around on the ground looking for food.

Red Squirrel

The red squirrel is very rare, so you are far more likely to see the grey squirrel in your garden. They only survive on the Isle of Wight and Brownsea Island, where there are no greys, on the Formby coast, and in the extensive pine forests of Northumberland and the Lake District. Sadly the grey squirrel carry a disease which kills the red squirrel.



  • fungi
  • bulbs
  • roots
  • acorns


How to attract squirrels into your garden

Squirrels like peanuts, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds. We stock peanuts in their shell which are popular food for squirrels.

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Caring for the Wildlife - Badgers

Caring for the Wildlife - Badgers

At PAWS, as well as helping you care for your domestic pet, we also want to help you look after the wildlife you might find in your back garden.

In Britain, we are extremely lucky to have so much wildlife around us and there are a number of ways we can help the animals that come into our gardens in their hunt for food. The type of garden you have will determine the type of wildlife it will attract. A garden with few plants, trees and grass will attract less wildlife than one with lots of hedges and flowering plants which provide food and shelter. Ponds will attract insects and amphibians, while compost heaps can be a great shelter for hedgehogs.


Badgers grow to around 90cm in length and have characteristic black and white stripes on their head. These animals are nocturnal and are rarely seen in urban areas. They spend a lot of their time in their ‘sett’ – a large maze of tunnels and passageways where they live. Nevertheless, during the summer months they sometimes wander into gardens and across roads looking for food.






  • insects
  • fruit
  • nuts
  • bulbs

How to attract Badgers into your garden

Put out a tasty nibbly treat of raisins and peanuts


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