Irresistible lamb dog food. Freeze Dried complete and balanced food, for convenience and quality. Made using 80% lamb, combined with fruits, vegetables and superfoods.
Natures Menu complete and balanced Freeze Dried lamb dog food. A mouthwatering combination of tender lamb, fruits and vegetables with delicious superfoods.
Our freeze drying technique gently preserves the natural flavours and nutrients of our high quality ingredients, making the perfect solution for mealtimes when you're on the go. Plus, with no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives, Natures Menu Freeze Dried can be enjoyed straight from the pack, with no refrigeration needed.
There’s also the peace of mind that all our complete and balanced meals for dogs are made to FEDIAF nutritional guidelines, crafted by our expert team for worry-free natural feeding and mess free mealtimes. Our Freeze Dried nuggets make a hearty and delicious meal for all adult dogs.
Please remember, that as this beef dog food is a natural product, some difference in colour and appearance between batches is, well, natural!
Lamb* (80%), Carrots* (5%), Apples* (5%), Pea Fibre*, Butternut Squash* (1%), Sweet Potato* (1%), Minerals, Cranberries* (0.5%), Blackberries* (0.5%), Flaxseed*, Chicory Root*, Kale*, Peppermint*, Coconut Oil*, Green Tea*, Yucca*, Rosemary*, Parsley*, Dandelion Root*, Hawthorn Leaf*. *Natural ingredients
Analytical Constituents
Crude Protein 37%, Crude Fat 34%, Crude Ash 8%, Crude Fibre 6%, Moisture 6%.